Men stand bewildered when it comes to understanding women. We are pretty complex beings, emotionally speaking, if I do say so myself. So I just want to say some things that I bet a whole lot of people have been thinking, but not ever really saying. Have been wondering, but haven't ever really had the opportunity to ask. OR- Have found themselves talking amongst their "boys"about.

We women know exactly what we're doing at pretty much all times. Everything we do is pre-planned, pre-thought, or has been previously executed in such a way that we have found ourselves in a new predicament, putting a new plan of action in place of an old one that didn't work. We ALWAYS.. know what we're doing. Keep that in mind gentlemen.

But just because we know what we're doing, doesn't mean we know exactly what we want. I mean, we may have a ball park idea of the things that we think  we desire, but 99.45% of the time, they're really not ever things that we need (or that are good for us). Because we are such emotional beings, this quality of ours can really work against us by clouding our discernment. For the sake of not sitting here and writing a whole dissertation on what a woman is all about, I'm just going to list a few examples. 

1) We women know exactly what we're doing when we put on a pair of leggings. *I'll let this one sit for a while.

The thing about leggings/yoga pants that many women may agree upon is that they are very comfortable. You can go on about your day with little to no restrictions at all when wearing a pair. So we get this out the way right? But then again, we do also realize how revealing they are... well, or- how revealing they aren't. We think that just because they're covering our skin, this therefore makes it okay to substitute these things for pants. And this is where the problem lies.

You see, leggings hug your body in all the right (or often very "unblessed") places. I feel like I need to take the time to challenge women to put away their I-don't-care-what-the-world-thinks-I'ma-do-me mentalities and really slip on their "awareness" caps. If you are NOT, and I repeat, NOT "blessed" in some areas (and please be real with yourself for the sake of people who must cross your path on a daily basis), please do not wear leggings. Why? Because 1- it's not a good look, 2- It's very painful to see and 3- this is where all the complaint about leggings actually stem from. I bet that's why our school actually tried to ban leggings at this institution- people are just tired of seeing booties that have the consistency of porridge trembling through the spandex, what can I say? 

Anywho, back on topic, I said that to say that we are fully aware of the implications of wearing leggings, and for those of us who actually have something to show back there, our intentions can often be a little cruel. I can PROMISE you that women do not think of (or probably don't care) of the trap they are setting for other men simply through the things they wear. We put these things on because we have something to show off- and we want others to know that about us. We want to leave all the wonders of our majestic curvature to the imagination of the unsuspecting male. Little do we realize how much of an impact we actually have on these men.

You know, contrary to what we females may believe, there ARE actually men out there who are striving to tread the straight and narrow. We're the ones with our Eve-like complex sitting here tripping up guys who can't help but look our way. We must understand that men are visual creatures.... but perhaps we already know that.

Same thing goes for bodycons, though I believe bodycons can be a million times more damaging for males. There are bodycon skirts, and someone even had the nerve to invent bodycon dresses! Talkin' bout thirst traps! Anways, all I'm saying is this- women crave attention. And if some of them aren't getting it the modest way, they'll seek it in any other way. And if that way includes form fitting clothing, then so be it. Because we all know that's a guaranteed attention grabber. Even if it isn't the right kind.

2) We love being complimented. It flatters us.

Though we love being complimented, just EXPECT that 90% of the women you compliment are going to hit you with the old "oh no, (insert excuse as to why your compliment can't possibly apply to them)". If need be, please make an effort to get them to understand that they just need to accept the compliment and keep it pushin'. No one has time to sit there and have pity parties with them. Most of the time it's something that has to do with a woman's self esteem, or self image. A lot of females think that they're below average in regards to physique/appearance, so your compliment may honestly not register in their mind as something that could be true for them. Do your part as a gentlemen and keep the compliments coming. (I don't mean wear yourself out, but I do say this because no matter who you are, if a woman receives a compliment, it really brightens up her day).

3) Women expect men to be mind readers.

I was talking to a friend today who shared with me some of his experiences with females. As a woman myself listening in on his point of view, it really made me realize how unreasonable we woman are. We really need to start cutting men some slack! Unfortunately for you men, we as women automatically assume you know what the heck is going on in our complex mind. We expect you to know that we want you to spend time with us instead of your friends. We expect you to know that you're supposed to show us random acts of your love for us throughout the day. We expect you to know that it isn't okay for you to be texting other females late at night, and most of all, we expect you to know that we are here for you- we chose you. And your duty is to be honest to, and communicate with, us. Which is why there are times when we are angry, and you have no clue as to why we are buggin'. Chances are, it's because we expected you just to know that something you did was not right. Yes, this is unfair, but well. This is part of the baggage that comes along with dating a female. 

I could say a lot more, but this post is getting longer and longer by the minute (and I'm sure we all know why that is). Stay Tuned for future posts on for more inside scoop on Women 411 haha. This shall be an interesting blog journey.

Well, men, please keep in mind, not all women are the same... but many share the same qualities. So if you can figure out which ones of those qualities stand universal to all women, then you've gotten one step closer to breaking the Woman's Code.

10/29/2013 07:20:02 am

how can i get the copy of your book....Agnes Logah i will love to read the rest

Aldavina Dos Santos
10/29/2013 09:00:53 am

I shall start the book at some point this year, God willing. For now, I'll be writing these blogs.


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    Alda: I'm just a po' (poor), opinionated, old fashioned college student with absolutely nothing better to do than seek new ways of making myself feel like I'm actually doing something with my life. Voila! Enjoy.

    Blu. : Blu. is one of my greatest friends who I have asked to tag along on this summer journey of spoken ideas. You'll get a chance to learn about her wonderful mind through the various posts she shares on this blog.


    June 2013
    May 2013

