

Diagnosis: Olivia Pope Syndrome

:: Where everyone else's problem is easier to fix than yours is.
:: Where you are able to point out the issue in other people's circumstance, but cannot even begin to understand the elements of your own.
:: Frustration attributed to confusion in ones own situation.
:: Not knowing what to do because everything all of a sudden becomes 10 times more complex when it involves yourself and your own problems.

Well, I'm not a Scandal watcher, but I'm sure the entire world has figured out that these are the major issues that Olivia is faces in each episode of this rather scandalous television series.

How do I relate? Well, It's easy for me to sit here and blog about how things should be, but it then becomes a difficult task to then embody all that I write. What can I say, I'm human!

*record scratches*

But that's no excuse for me to chalk up my shortcomings to the fact that I am part of a species that falls prey to hypocritical tendencies. I've got to do better.

I've realized that I have a major issue with heeding red flags. When it comes to the analysis of the situations that other people find themselves in, it is so easy for me to point out the detrimental effects of their actions and choices, and steer them in the direction that they should be traveling in. But for some reason, this becomes entirely too difficult for me when it comes to implementing these same strategies within my own life.

Now why is that ?

Well, for me, apprehension breeds frustration, and frustration breeds hesitation. Often times, I actually do know what the problem is, but because I don't want to accept the reality of the matter, I begin to rationalize my condition. All of a sudden it becomes an abstractly complex circumstance that I need to repeatedly ponder and dwell upon in order to receive clarity.

Now, why do I do this to myself? I know that I'm wasting time dealing with a situation that I know 1) I have no control over, and 2) Is a waste of time. So now it becomes a matter of finding out effective ways to get me out of unedifying environments. I have to begin with the root of the issue, and work my way up to the inner-workings of the functionalities of my distressed circumstantial floral arrangements.

Through the admittance of the fact that yes, there is a major underlying issue that I am currently dealing with,  I have come to a realization that we've ALL  got to get to a point where:

1) We stick by the decisions we make based on the convictions we receive [through the ultimate source of Wisdom].
- In asking for clarity, there is a responsibility that we have to follow through in the implementation of such convictions. What good will it do, if we receive a clear response of what needs to be done, but do not do it? Think about it- will this be a healthy environment for the fostering of proper growth? This will pose a hindrance to character development, and I'm sure we don't want to work towards the embodiment of a fickle, diseased character.

2) We take the time to objectively analyze the issue at hand.
-Sometimes this takes Godly counsel by the people God has placed in our lives. We are also equipped with the ultimate standard to hold our circumstances up to in order to shed light in the areas that we might have overlooked when observing through the lens of fleshly desires.

3) We come to terms with the fact that what we want isn't always what we need.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sucks, but it's true. Accepting the fact that just because we so desire to have something doesn't mean we necessarily need to obtain it. Accept, stop wasting time, and move on.

In conclusion, yeah, we've all got a lot of work to do, especially me. But if there's one thing that I've learned thus far, it is that I really need to start taking my own advice. Legit.

Stay groovy, keep kickin'.


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    Alda: I'm just a po' (poor), opinionated, old fashioned college student with absolutely nothing better to do than seek new ways of making myself feel like I'm actually doing something with my life. Voila! Enjoy.

    Blu. : Blu. is one of my greatest friends who I have asked to tag along on this summer journey of spoken ideas. You'll get a chance to learn about her wonderful mind through the various posts she shares on this blog.


    June 2013
    May 2013

