Ideas for these blog posts come under the  most unusual of circumstances. 

                                                               For example...

As I tuned into my iHeartRadio app while showering, (which, by the way, I prefer over pandora now, solely because I'm able to listen to it internationally, and as you all know, I'm currently oversees, so it works perfectly under this Brazilian wifi!) I thought about the people who I consistently saw posting pictures on instagram. Then I thought about attention seekers, and that narrowed down to coming to the realization that we all desire attention. From here, I thought, well. What's the point? Why do we desire attention from others? I mean, there's no monetary value, and it isn't something that we can grasp tangibly, so, why do we so desire it? From here, this little budding idea sprouted to a topic that I would like to take the time to indulge in right now:

  •                                         'Tis so sweet to possess the attention of the one you love.

Ahh... that feeling you get when he looks into your eyes and kisses you on the forehead... that mini heart palpitation you get when he shows up unexpectedly after class with a snack and a rose... finding a note on your windshield expressing how blessed he is to have you... -*record scratches*-

  • Wait, this isn't enough? 

  • His efforts aren't... enough?

When did it become okay for us women to desire attention beyond that of our dearest beloved companion? You know, we're all guilty of this. Posting up a picture that's a little more revealing than it should be... tweeting relationship ads expressing all of our greatest qualities for any man who's reading to contemplate- but concealing the fine print... and when we're in relationships, there are some of us who even go as far as entertaining conversations with other guys, and try to hide it by deleting the messages so our boyfriends don't find out... yeah. It's a problem.

My thing is, when you are dating someone, there should not be a single soul that you should ever desire attention or validation from OUTSIDE OF your partner. First of all, if you cannot keep your eyes on your own paper, or your fork on your own plate- then don't waste anyones time, therefore, do not dive head first into a relationship., or you will become paralyzed.

I've seen countless females walk away from an embrace with their significant other only to slide up into the men's entertainment industry. I understand that you aren't "married"so you are free to evaluate and observe your options, but the same principle still applies. If you can't hold it together when you are dating, what makes you think this particular aspect about your character isn't going to be magnified once you say 'I Do'? Do my dude a favor, and let him rock. 

Yeah. I don't want to say too much today, as my posts can get a little lengthy at times. But my last words would have to be this: Ladies? Please return the same love and affection to your significant other, and stop attempting to please other men who you know are not of any benefit to you. When a man loves, he loves hard, so please stop contributing to the mass pile of bitter, hurt, rebellious men. You know. The kind you tend to fall for but have "Impending Doom" plastered across their foreheads. But that's another post ... for another day.

Keep Kickin'- Stay Groovy.


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    Alda: I'm just a po' (poor), opinionated, old fashioned college student with absolutely nothing better to do than seek new ways of making myself feel like I'm actually doing something with my life. Voila! Enjoy.

    Blu. : Blu. is one of my greatest friends who I have asked to tag along on this summer journey of spoken ideas. You'll get a chance to learn about her wonderful mind through the various posts she shares on this blog.


    June 2013
    May 2013

