
Men should be the dominant force in a relationship. They should be the ones who:

1) Pursue the woman.
2) Have a desire to provide for the woman.
3) Protect the woman.

Since when did it become okay for these roles to reverse? I really feel like society does a pretty good job of skewing the minds of those who unknowingly subject themselves to such ideals through various mediums.

I see too many women today pursing the men- which I believe places men in a position where they become visually impaired when it comes to perceiving the value of a woman. I believe that if a man does not work laboriously for a woman, he is more than likely to push her to the wayside, and easily move on with his business.

Think about it. How much more will you appreciate something if you've exhausted every fiber of your being to obtain it? 

A man who endures the most strenuous of hardships will, in the process, develop a passion, commitment, and undying love for the woman in which all of his time, resources, and energy are enervated. 

But moving past this point- I do have a bone to pick with the gentlemen. (And this can apply for the ladies as well).

Too many men claim that there aren't many "worthy" females out there who are deserving of their love and attention. I believe this is because all of our priorities are twisted. If you are a man, let's say, in your early to late 20's, you should be at the point where you should have been mature enough to make a conscious decision to realize that it is time to stop fooling around, and start putting together the foundation of which your family is to be built upon. If you've got a shaky foundation, you can be sure to count me out.

Stop chasing after these females who have it all put together on the exterior, but who have shattered pieces of emotional baggage that excrete out of every single one of their pores. You can tell when a woman has not matured properly. Many of them may possess the age that one is expected to have matured, but the full potential thereof has not been effectively manifested within them. But this particular facet of discernment only comes along with ones willingness to progress spiritually, and intellectually.

In other words? Cut the crap with this childish mentality. Or you'll be in your late 30's and in the beginning stages of really discovering who you are. And by then, you'd have a lot more hard lessons to learn in the latter stages of life. So make it easier for yourself now, and actively pursue character development. 

Lastly, hop out of the kiddy pool, put on your grown up trunks and begin socializing with the grown folk. There's a whole lot you can learn from the older generation that will give you the tools you need to sift through the nonsense that some females are ready to gift you with. 

And here's the thing, when you find a woman of value (and this is the initial inspiration of this whole post today), please, I BEG of you- invest in her. The fruits that you will reap afterwards will be exponential compared to the nonfactors you are currently dealing with. Proverbs 18:22 tells us that 
"The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the LORD." It didn't say "He who finds a bad B**** who can twerk has found himself a treasure". Discard your fleshly desires and focus on that which will contribute to your genuine happiness and the longevity of your marriage in the long run.  

Ok- final thought- Don't be scared when you find that woman of value. And don't be intimidated either. Ask God to equip you with His wisdom in order for you to be a spiritual pillar in her life. You are to desire to be purged of that which you were, and be willing to adopt the identity of the ultimate Master Teacher. But be honest with yourself- if you aren't ready yet, please do not put yourself, or that woman, into a position where another wound is introduced that will delay this beautiful developmental experience.


Now, I'm not going to say much because I think I got out most of what I wanted to say to the men. But here it is- we women should be the ones who:

1) Direct our attention to the active pursuit of a GODLY man.
2) Prepare spiritually to be a helpmeet for the man.
3) Cater to the needs of our amazing Husbands (this does NOT mean be his slave, gals)
4) Be supportive of our men- this also includes understanding/respecting his ideas, and being sensitive to his needs.

I could actually go on and on, but I don't think that's necessary... for now.

I think that we women have made our men lazy. We have contributed in many ways to facilitating the adoption of various ideals that they currently hold. Because of many of OUR failed attempts, we now sit here- leaping and thirsting for all the wrong attention.

First of all, what we need to do as women is simply this-


Stop pursuing the men. Stop doing the utmost for attention. Stop exposing our bodies (like I said- these are things that we are doing that are conditioning our men to accept these standards). Stop chasing after thug life because the thug life most definitely hasn't and doesn't need to choose us. Just stop woman.

I don't understand why it is so difficult for us to be cognizant our worth, and to act accordingly. We are worth far more than the rarest of stones and storehouses of treasure... now... can we stop opening up our storerooms to those who only have the interest of looting that which is not theirs to begin with?

And I'm tired of this whole "there's no good men out there" mentality. There are plenty of good, Godly men out there. You've just decided to turn a blind eye towards them and redirect your attention to the warty frog sitting on your doorstep with a bottle of peach ciroc and a handful of unwanted guests. WAKE UP!

Stop wasting time with those who's actions don't match up to the words that come out of their pieholes. Happiness awaits. And you're taking too long getting ready.

My point is this, ladies. Before you get into a relationship, please, please recognize your worth. Don't go around seeking for validation from another man because honestly? That's when you WILLINGLY stomp your foot in the middle of a bear trap. Good luck recovering from that escapade.

Let the man work for you. and this is not to say - oh yeah, go around and be difficult and act like a complete fool- no. If you show him how serious you are about where you are headed in life, if he is a Godly man, he will respect that. 

Challenge him to become aware of your worth. Then let him decide if he wants to be a part of the great successes that God already has in store for you. 

Give him a peek at the blueprint of your empire. And if he isn't a complete fool, he'll want to tag along and offer his strength and commitment to helping you build it.

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    Alda: I'm just a po' (poor), opinionated, old fashioned college student with absolutely nothing better to do than seek new ways of making myself feel like I'm actually doing something with my life. Voila! Enjoy.

    Blu. : Blu. is one of my greatest friends who I have asked to tag along on this summer journey of spoken ideas. You'll get a chance to learn about her wonderful mind through the various posts she shares on this blog.


    June 2013
    May 2013

