Aha. I have something I want to talk about.

I think it's safe to say that universally- across the board- we can agree that men are supposed to be the pursuer's of woman. And though I think that women should always have their watch guard's at attention, I don't think it is necessary for women to keep each and every one of these guards fully armed and ready to fire at any given moment once they have entered into a relationship.

I'm seeing this too often nowadays. 

There are a couple of things that really irritate me about the way that people carry themselves in relationships. The first thing people need to understand is that no- we don't know if the person we are with is going to be the person we marry. That is a given. Even still, it is not imperative that you turn yourself into a cold pillar of stone in order to not get hurt in a relationship. If you're scared, and they're scared, the full potential of what could be will not be maximized. Life is about taking risks. How will you ever know if you never step out of your comfort zone?

At this current stage of my life, I am learning what it means to love and to be loved. More specifically,  I have been trying to understand the true implication of self sacrificing love. And of course, what better source to descry and emulate such a concept than the inspired Word? 

This is not to say that I'm attempting to learn all of this information, then practicing it on everyone who catches my eye- no. It means that in my solitude, and in the building of my relationship with Yahweh, I am able to understand and internalize all that I learn, so that when the Lord presents me with the one I am to deliver this self sacrificing concept of love to- I will be ready. Unashamed, prepared, and anxious to see the fruits that Abba has planted within me. 

But through this process, I have learned a couple of things. And I thank God for the spiritually in tuned friends that I have who have been able to enlighten me with various bits of information that they have received from Wisdom herself. 

1) There is nothing that we are subject to experience that has not been passed by the throne first. 
-There is nothing that has happened, is happening now, or will happen that God doesn't already know about. If you are in a stage of deciding whether or not you are meant to be with someone, just know that even something as simple as your interaction with them is not by chance. Every detail of your life will come together for a greater purpose.

2) Make your Verdict.
-I know that because of the experiences that I have had in the past, I do not ever want to move forward with someone unless it has been ordained by Yahweh Himself. I've learned that I can sit here and pray every minute of the day for the Lord to reveal His will for me- which He will- but that I must also be proactive about making a decision. I can either wait for the Lord to communicate with me through some sort of anastatic intervention, or I can use the wisdom that He has granted me, and the people He has placed in my life in order to make a spirit led decision on what my next move will be.

3) Stop worrying.
-If you are actively pursuing an interconnection with the Most High, and you have made it your priority to seek His guidance in all that you do, and  you are willing to put in a bit of elbow grease on your part- then relax. All things will work for the good of those who are seeking to tread the road less travelled by. So. Take a load off. And stop being so afraid to take action.

So what comes next?

After you have made a spirit led decision to be with someone, you gotta let some walls down. Show them the real you. Let them know your likes and dislikes. Let them know what you're expecting from the relationship, and establish a game plan together. What do you intend on achieving through your relationship? But most importantly, What do you hope and are willing to contribute? 

Then get used to the idea of being with that person, and working to take into consideration their needs and their wants. It's not all about you anymore. A new concept called "Us" and "We" is formed, where you discard selfish desires, and adopt the new threads of we-stability, as I like to call it. You should always be learning about a different aspect of your character throughout this experience. Only then will you be able to accept that your Woman should be your Queen... your Man should be your King... and that you both operate under the watchful and loving counsel of an even greater Emperor... You should cater to the needs of each other, and dynamically pursue one another's happiness. 

We've all got a lot to ponder about. What steps will you take to build a successful relational empire?


*Special thanks to Brittany B.- Your friendship is of far greater value to me than that of the most precious box of alabaster, and the largest quantity of Chalcedony that you can find... Thank you.

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    Alda: I'm just a po' (poor), opinionated, old fashioned college student with absolutely nothing better to do than seek new ways of making myself feel like I'm actually doing something with my life. Voila! Enjoy.

    Blu. : Blu. is one of my greatest friends who I have asked to tag along on this summer journey of spoken ideas. You'll get a chance to learn about her wonderful mind through the various posts she shares on this blog.


    July 2013
    May 2013

